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- /* this stuff don't need to be ppc aligned.
- if you're including these with ppc you're lost already... */
- struct bltbitmapargs {
- WORD srcx,srcy,dstx,dsty,sizex,sizey,minterm,mask;
- struct BitMap *srcbm,*dstbm;
- UWORD *tempa;
- struct Library *base;
- };
- struct scalepixelarrayargs {
- UWORD srcw,srch,srcmod,dstx,dsty,dstw,dsth,srcf;
- APTR srcrect;
- struct RastPort *rastport;
- struct Library *base;
- };
- struct readpixelarrayargs {
- UWORD dstx,dsty,destmod,srcx,srcy,sizex,sizey,destf;
- APTR destrect;
- struct RastPort *rastport;
- struct Library *base;
- };
- struct writepixelarrayargs {
- WORD srcx,srcy,srcmod,dstx,dsty,sizex,sizey,srcf;
- APTR srcrect;
- struct RastPort *rastport;
- struct Library *base;
- };
- struct writelutpixelarrayargs {
- WORD srcx,srcy,srcmod,dstx,dsty,sizex,sizey,ctabf;
- APTR srcrect;
- struct RastPort *rastport;
- APTR ctable;
- struct Library *base;
- };
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- ULONG bltbitmap(struct bltbitmapargs *args __asm("a0"));
- LONG scalepixelarray(struct scalepixelarrayargs *args __asm("a0"));
- LONG readpixelarray(struct readpixelarrayargs *args __asm("a0"));
- LONG writepixelarray(struct writepixelarrayargs *args __asm("a0"));
- LONG writelutpixelarray(struct writelutpixelarrayargs *args __asm("a0"));
- #endif /* __GNUC__ */
- #ifdef __SASC
- ULONG __asm bltbitmap(register __a0 struct bltbitmapargs *args);
- LONG __asm scalepixelarray(register __a0 struct scalepixelarrayargs *args);
- LONG __asm readpixelarray(register __a0 struct readpixelarrayargs *args);
- LONG __asm writepixelarray(register __a0 struct writepixelarrayargs *args);
- LONG __asm writelutpixelarray(register __a0 struct writelutpixelarrayargs *args);
- #endif /* __SASC */
- #endif /* _AWINGCCSTUBS_H */